If your obligations have edged out your personal time, they might still restore a little sanity just as background music. If you can squeeze in a run, the tracks below will help you transition into (or out of) that. On the whole, this is the time of year where there’s a chill in the air, but no time to chill in your life.
Lastly, you’ll find newer acts like Denmark’s Lukas Graham and a collaboration spearheaded by Alex Da Kid that features three other acts each of whom broke onto the charts in the last few years. At the same time, there’s a subdued country from Florida Georgia Line and look back at a year’s challenges from Eric Church. The ladies of pop feature prominently in the mix-with appearances from Mariah Carey, Shakira, Pink and more along the way. Point being, now that they’re over, rather than highlight a mix of raging jams to add more noise into that equation, this week’s playlist focuses on quieter tracks that you can use to warm-up for a workout, cool down from a workout, or just restore a little calm. I was going to provide some examples-the extra travel, shopping, and so on-but they’re probably unnecessary. Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!